bridge.dll 手工删除方法
Adware.WinFavorites is an adware program that may have two components: an executable file and a Browser Helper Object.
When Adware.WinFavorites is executed, it does the following:
Attempts to insert the files:
Creates the following registry key:
Browser Helper Objects\{9C691A33-7DDA-4C2F-BE4C-C176083F35CF}
Adds the value:
to the registry key:
so that the adware runs when you start Windows.
Creates a registry key:
Attempts to download files from
The following text comes from:
# Manual removal
Please follow the instructions below if you would like to remove WinFavorites manually. Please notice that you must follow the instructions very carefully and delete everything that is mentioned. In most cases the removal will fail if one single item is not deleted. If Bazooka still detects WinFavorites after stepping through the removal instructions, please double-check by stepping through them again.
Start the registry editor. This is done by clicking Start then Run. (The Run dialog will appear.) Type regedit and click OK. (The registry editor will open.)
Browse to the key:
'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run'
In the right pane, delete the value called 'WinFavorites' or 'clock.sync', if it exists.
Exit the registry editor.
Restart your computer.
Start Windows Explorer and delete:
Note: %ProgramsDir% is a variable (?). By default, this is C:\Program Files.
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